Rays are employed for image reconstruction, a task which, within PhotoNim, can be executed through two distinct modalities:
- orthogonal
- perspective To implement a projection, it is necessary to define the position of the observer and the direction in which they are looking. Typically, this involves defining a screen for which the aspect ratio must be specified. The distance between the screen and the observer is finite in the case of a perspective projection, otherwise it is infinite. The screen demarcates the visible space region, that will then be rendered. To cast a ray at a specific screen position, it is necessary to provide two coordinates, denoted as (u, v), which determine the light ray direction as follows:
In PhotoNim we used enum
in order to define different kind of cameras: as you can see, a further data member it’s needed for perspective camera in order to specify the distance between the observer and the screen.
CameraKind* = enum
ckOrthogonal, ckPerspective
Camera* = object of RootObj
transf*: Transformation
aspect_ratio*: float32
case kind: CameraKind
of ckOrthogonal: discard
of ckPerspective:
distance: float32
We need to associate a transformation to a camera variable in order to place it in space as we wish. The only procedure needed other than constructors
# Create a new orthogonal camera variable with given parameters
proc newOrthogonalCamera*(a: float32; transf = Transformation.id): Camera {.inline.} =
Camera(kind: ckOrthogonal, transf: transf, aspect_ratio: a)
# Create a new perspective camera varible with given parameters
proc newPerspectiveCamera*(a, d: float32; transf = Transformation.id): Camera {.inline.} =
Camera(kind: ckPerspective, transf: transf, aspect_ratio: a, distance: d)
is the one that enables the user to fire rays at a specific screen location: clearly this differs between different kinds of camera.
proc fireRay*(cam: Camera; pixel: Point2D): Ray {.inline.} =
case cam.kind
of ckOrthogonal:
apply(cam.transform, newRay(newPoint3D(-1, (1 - 2 * pixel.u) * cam.aspect_ratio, 2 * pixel.v - 1), eX))
of ckPerspective:
apply(cam.transform, newRay(newPoint3D(-cam.distance, 0, 0), newVec3(cam.distance, (1 - 2 * pixel.u) * cam.aspect_ratio, 2 * pixel.v - 1)))
Both cameras are initialized such that the observer is positioned along the negative x-axis, and the screen lies on the xy-plane. The ray direction is perpendicular to the screen in the case of orthogonal projection, while it depends on the coordinates (u, v) otherwise. The returned ray in both cases is transformed to account for the actual arrangement of the camera in space.
# transformation to be associated with the chosen camera
trans = newTranslation(newVec3(-1, 0, 0))
ray: Ray # Ray variable to store rays fired
uv = newPoint2D(0.5, 0.5) # (u, v) coordinates: we are firing right at the center of the screen
pCam = newPerspectiveCamera(1.2, 1, trans)
# Firing ray, we need to give (u, v) coordinates as input
ray = pCam.fireRay(uv)
# Printing ray: it should have
# ---> ray.origin = (-2, 0, 0)
# ---> ray.dir = (1, 0, 0)
echo ray
We now need to define types that allow us to color the scenes we want to render and to evaluate how the various objects respond to the incidence of a ray. From a coding perspective, it is helpful to conceptualize the BRDF of a material as comprising two distinct types of information:
- Properties influenced by the angle of incoming light and the observer’s position.
- Properties independent of direction, collectively referred to as pigment.
Pigments typically illustrate the variation of a BRDF across a surface: according to this view, it’s not the entire BRDF that changes from point to point, but only the pigment. In PhotoNim code three different pigment choices are available:
- Uniform, which corresponds to an uniform color
- Texture, which enables the user to renderer the earth
- Checkered, which creates a color checkerboard
We implemented them as enum kinds, as you can see in the following code block.
PigmentKind* = enum
pkUniform, pkTexture, pkCheckered
Pigment* = object
case kind*: PigmentKind
of pkUniform:
color*: Color
of pkTexture:
texture*: ptr HDRImage
of pkCheckered:
grid*: tuple[color1, color2: Color, nsteps: int]
You can initialize a new pigment variable by means of new
proc depending on which one you are willing to use. The following procedure enables you to determine pigment at a specific (u, v) location and is crucial in the image rendering process:
proc getColor*(pigment: Pigment; uv: Point2D): Color =
case pigment.kind:
of pkUniform:
return pigment.color
of pkTexture:
var (col, row) = (floor(uv.u * pigment.texture.width.float32).int, floor(uv.v * pigment.texture.height.float32).int)
if col >= pigment.texture.width: col = pigment.texture.width - 1
if row >= pigment.texture.height: row = pigment.texture.height - 1
return pigment.texture[].getPixel(col, row)
of pkCheckered:
let (col, row) = (floor(uv.u * pigment.grid.nsteps.float32).int, floor(uv.v * pigment.grid.nsteps.float32).int)
return (if (col mod 2) == (row mod 2): pigment.grid.color1 else: pigment.grid.color2)
BRDF explains how a surface interacts with light by assuming that the light exits the surface at the same point where it initially struck. In PhotoNim we focused on two different BRDF kinds:
- Ideal diffusive surface
- Reflective surface
BRDFKind* = enum
DiffuseBRDF, SpecularBRDF
BRDF* = object
pigment*: Pigment
case kind*: BRDFKind
of DiffuseBRDF:
reflectance*: float32
of SpecularBRDF:
threshold_angle*: float32
All BRDF kinds have a Pigment data member which describes properties indipendent of direction: the specific parts of the two types are those linked to the direction of incidence of the ray. You can initialize a new BRDF variable using the new
proc, depending on which one you are willing to use. It’s now crucial to determine how a surface responds to an incoming ray. To achieve this, we can utilize the “eval” procedure.
proc eval*(brdf: BRDF; normal: Normal, in_dir, out_dir: Vec3, uv: Point2D): Color {.inline.} =
case brdf.kind:
of DiffuseBRDF:
return brdf.pigment.getColor(uv) * (brdf.reflectance / PI)
of SpecularBRDF:
if abs(arccos(dot(normal.Vec3, in_dir)) - arccos(dot(normal.Vec3, out_dir))) < brdf.threshold_angle:
return brdf.pigment.getColor(uv)
else: return BLACK
# Pigment types and procs #
image = newHdrImage(2, 2)
unif = newUniformPigment(newColor(1, 0.5, 0.4))
text = newTexturePigment(image)
chec= newCheckeredPigment(newColor(0.5, 1, 0.3), newColor(1, 0.5, 0.4), 2)
# Setting image pixels different from (0, 0, 0) or black background color
image.setPixel(1, 1, newColor(1, 0.5, 0.4))
image.setPixel(0, 0, newColor(0.5, 1, 0.3))
# Using getColor procedure in order to show pigment evaluation
echo "Getting uniform pigment: "
echo getColor(unif, newPoint2D(0.2, 0.2)).Vec3 # You should get (1, 0.5, 0.4)
echo '\n'
echo "Getting texture pigment: "
echo getColor(text, newPoint2D(0.2, 0.1)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (0.5, 1, 0.3)
echo getColor(text, newPoint2D(0.8, 0.9)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (1, 0.5, 0.4)
echo getColor(text, newPoint2D(0.6, 0.3)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (0, 0, 0)
echo getColor(text, newPoint2D(0.3, 0.6)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (0, 0, 0)
echo '\n'
echo "Getting checkered pigment: "
echo getColor(chec, newPoint2D(0.2, 0.1)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (0.5, 1, 0.3)
echo getColor(chec, newPoint2D(0.8, 0.9)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (0.5, 1, 0.3)
echo getColor(chec, newPoint2D(0.6, 0.3)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (1, 0.5, 0.4)
echo getColor(chec, newPoint2D(0.3, 0.6)).Vec3 # You shoulg get (1, 0.5, 0.4)
# BRDFs types and procs #
# Variables needed for BRDF evaluation
pigm = newUniformPigment(newColor(1, 1, 1))
norm = newNormal(0, 0, 1)
in_dir = newVec3(0, 1, -1).normalize
out_dir = newVec3(0, 1, 1).normalize
uv = newPoint2D(0.5, 0.5)
# BRDF variables of different possible kinds
diff = newDiffuseBRDF(pigm, 0.3)
refl = newSpecularBRDF(pigm, 50)
echo '\n'
echo '\n'
echo "Evaluating diffusive BRDF: "
echo eval(diff, norm, in_dir, out_dir, uv).Vec3 # You should see (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)/PI
echo eval(refl, norm, in_dir, out_dir, uv).Vec3 # You should see (0, 0, 0)
echo '\n'
echo "Changing threshold angle value, now 35°: "
refl.threshold_angle = 35
echo eval(refl, norm, in_dir, out_dir, uv).Vec3 # You should see (1, 1, 1)